
2017-2018 Registration Update from BFSC Membership Chair Trish Matson Buus

Registration for the Brookings Figure Skating Club is now open, and the start of our 2017-2018 season September 1st thru August 31st) is just around the corner!

THANK YOU to everyone who has already turned in their new membership/renewal forms. Looks like it’s going to be a FANTASTIC year in the Brookings Figure Skating Club! Please watch for more information coming soon, and be sure that you’ve joined our Facebook group for member communication, found at

The Brookings Figure Skating Club proudly welcomes back all members that have renewed already, and would like to extend an especially warm WELCOME to the following NEW members who have already joined for the new season—can’t wait to get to know you all this year!

BFSC dues for Regular Members are now $85/year (which includes $15 for annual ISI dues), but will be discounted to $75 for all NEW members, regardless of when they join throughout the 2017-2018 season. Find membership information and downloadable membership forms on the “Join Us” page.

Another great option, especially for long-distance members and those who belong to other figure skating clubs, is our Associate Membership. This option requires board approval and does not include participation in our annual ice show, but if you feel that it may be your best option, please do not hesitate to message us for more information. Additionally, we have Coach Membership options available—just message us for more information.

Important dates: (subject to change)
August 24: Preseason ice time starts
September 17: Free membership recruiting event
October 14: BFSC Krispy Kremes fundraiser at SDSU’s Hobo Day parade
October 18: BFSC in-season ice time begins!
October 19: Park & Rec lessons begin (Session I)
October 29: Free membership recruiting event/Halloween party (tentative)
December 2: Park & Rec lessons end (Session I)
December 2: Holiday Exhibition
January 6: Prairie Polar Blast figure skating competition in Brookings
January 8-February 17th: Park & Rec lessons (Session II)
April 7 & 8: Annual Ice Show!

Trish Matson Buus

2017-2018 Membership Chairperson
Brookings Figure Skating Club
Brookings, South Dakota
Phone:  (605) 692-3100 home or (605) 351-5885 cell/text
