2018-2019 Registration Update from BFSC Membership Chair Trish Matson Buus
Happy August, Brookings Figure Skating Club skaters and families! I hope you’ve all had a fantastic summer!
It’s almost time to head back to school, which means another season of figure skating is just around the corner! After great new growth last season, I am very excited to get going this season and GROW even more!
Registration for the 2018-2019 season is now open! We are doing an Early-Bird Special again this year for all renewing Regular members… just $75 if your membership paperwork is completed and turned in by September 23rd (the date of our big try-it-free event! Have you RSVP’d yet? https://www.facebook.com/events/919138678258904/)
If you wait until after September 23rd, Regular member renewals will be $85. Brand new members pay just the $75 rate, no matter when they join this season, and Associate Memberships will remain $50.
You’ll find everything you need on the “Join Us” page of the website. Just click here.
Be sure to note the link with the Membership Category Comparisons to check your selection. Additionally, a link to our club’s Handbook can be found on that same page.
You may print off each page of the Membership Packet from that page. We do need each page filled out as much as possible. We are not accepting digital copies at this time. I will also have printed copies with me at all times once we’re back on the ice, and I’ll leave some in our club’s drawer in the Warming Room at Larson Ice Rink, too.
I will be available at the following places and times so that anyone can stop by to fill out and/or turn in their membership paperwork to me personally. It’s a great time to address any questions that you might have, too! Those opportunities are as follows:
1) Monday, August 20th from 12-1 pm in the cafeteria at Hy-Vee (pop in quick during your lunch break!)
2) Thursday, August 23rd from 6-7 pm at the Subway in Walmart (Brookings schools start on Friday, so you might be grabbing some last minute school supplies!)
We’ll have pre-season ice available soon, so then you can just turn in your paperwork to me personally if I’m at the rink, or simply place the paperwork, with your checks, in an envelope in the black dropbox in the Warming Room.
As a reminder, you’ll need to write two checks when you turn in Membership paperwork… one check is for the membership fee (ie $75 per skater if renewing by Sept 23), and the other check is for your Volunteer Program points deposit, postdated to August 10th of 2019. (see forms to help you figure your amount)
Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions that you might have! Looking forward to seeing you all again soon!
Trish Matson Buus
Membership Chairperson
Brookings Figure Skating Club
Email: BrookingsFSCMembership@gmail.com
Phone: (605) 692-3100 home, (605) 351-5885 cell